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Due to freezing temperatures all lens cleaner shipments will be held until further notice.
Child Barraquer Lid Speculum
Replacement Parts for Algerbrush II - Chuck
Katena® Surgical Gonio Prism Lens - Right Hand Dominant - Single-Use
Bovie Low Temp Fine Tip Cautery
Autoclave Sterilizing Case - 10" x 15" x 0.75"
Hypodermic Needle TSK SteriJect® Without Safety
Autoclave Sterilizing Case - 2.5" x 7.5" x 0.75"
Katena® 4 Mirror Lens - Single-Use
Katena® Retina 200 Lens - Single-Use
Luer Lock Sterile Syringe - 10cc
Graefe Fixation Forceps with Catch
Self-Sealing Sterilization Pouch - 10 Inch