Due to freezing temperatures all lens cleaner shipments will be held until further notice.
Low-level disinfectants, such as Cetylcide II (PE-6808), are designed to be used as a cleaner and deodorizer for hard surfaces around the office.
Intermediate level disinfectants, such as CaviCide® (PE-6812 and PE-6820) and CaviWipes® (PE-6813 and PE-6814) incorporate a cleaner, decontaminant, and disinfectant in one. They are recommended for use on nonporous surfaces and fixtures and are safe for operating rooms, surgical centers, and medical laboratories.
High-level disinfectants, such as Cidex OPA® (PE-6824), and Metricide® (PE-6811), offer a quick and effective means of disinfection for surgical instruments at room temperature. Amcon's high-level disinfectants have an effective life with a range of 14 to 75 days once the bottle is opened.
For more information on specific pathogens, each disinfectant is effective against contact your Amcon sales representative at 1-800-255-6161.